Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Greetings

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

It has been a privilege sharing my life and faith with you over the past several months.

I pray that this holiday season your heart will be filled with the peace that only Christ can bring and the joy of knowing Him personally.
For to us a child is born,
   to us a son is given,
   and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
   Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
   Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

Isaiah 9:6 NIV

Thursday, December 2, 2010


After weeks of cleaning, pricing, planning and prepping, it is finally here!  My first Jenny and Pearl Boutique.  If you are in the Southern California area, please pop in and see me.    Share this info with your friends and family!

I have so many beautiful things to show you - loads of beautiful items for everyone on your Christmas list, even one or two things that might catch your fancy!  The address and hours are listed at the top of the page.

 Cute Kitchen Collectibles

 Gorgeous Glassware

 Delectable Delights

 Chenille Bedspreads

 A Hankie Covered Christmas Tree!

 Unusual Antiques

 Beautiful Gift Items

 Vintage Purses

 too many things to list and of course...

one-of-a-kind Jenny and Pearl jewelry.

For my distant readers, don't despair, when the boutique madness has ended, I will get back to listing in my etsy stores and making more jewelry, so you can share in the fun!

Mention that you read my blog or are a friend of Jenny and Pearl on Facebook and get $5.00 off of any boutique purchase!  See you there!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving has passed and Black Friday is upon us.

Yesterday we headed "over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house" for a big turkey dinner.  I mean BIG.

Two turkeys, a ham, two types of potatoes, various vegetables, and a groaning table of desserts.  There was a big crowd this year - 28 for dinner and 32 for dessert.  I am feeling somewhat expanded after a day of feasting.

I love Thanksgiving - the food (of course) and gathering together with family and friends that we see far too infrequently.

Here's Grandma with her first grandchild, our oldest daughter Ashley.  Aren't they cute?

As our kids get older with boyfriends, fiancees, even husbands - it gets harder and harder to get everyone in one place at the same time.  This year we had a big crowd - the more the merrier!  Seems like just yesterday we were chasing these kids around the house, juggling nap times, diapers and bottles.  Here are most of the cousins, with a few friends and in-laws thrown in for good measure.

No matter how old they get, we have a few traditions that must be kept.  They girls insist that Grandma makes her creamed corn (more dessert than vegetable), the football games are playing constantly on the television in the family room, we play a few enthusiastic card games once our turkey coma has worn off and every year, with Natalie supervising, a gingerbread house is created.

The boys are hanging around because the girls told them they could eat all the candy once they were finished.  See that grin on Sam's face - he's just waiting for me to finish taking the darn picture!

I also love the purposeful time of reflecting on what we are grateful for.  It's so easy (for me, at least) to get caught up in the daily stresses of life, that I need the scheduled times where I stop, look around and remember how good I've really got it.

This year, I am thankful for so many things, these are just the highlights.

  • I am thankful that I am not in the malls fighting the Black Friday madness.  I will wait for saner minds to return to the shopping centers before I venture in to do my Christmas shopping.
  • I am thankful for Chris & Kristen and Erick & Mariesa.   They are our incredible youth pastors and youth leaders.   They lead the youth of our church with incredible patience and enthusiasm and have taken our two youngest to their very first youth convention this weekend.  

Here are our sweet girls, excited to get away for the weekend!

This is Erick, our junior high boys leader.  He rocks!

  • I am thankful for health and freedom from pain - I am mindful of this every day.
  • I am so grateful to you, dear reader, for allowing me to share my heart and responding with words of encouragement and support.  I love writing my little heartfelt posts.  They feed my spirit in a way I never imagined.
  • I am thankful for parents who support us in so many ways.  There is nothing my children could inherit that is greater than the godly heritage they are receiving from their four incredible grandparents.  It is a gift beyond measure.

I could go on all day, but will end with my most precious gifts ~Steve, my incredible husband of 29 years
~Sam, our handsome "manchild" who makes us proud and makes us laugh,


~Rachel, our beautiful miracle baby, now a beautiful and talented young lady,

~Ashley & Daniel, our cherished and lovely daughter and our teasing, big-hearted soon-to-be son-in-law.

What did I ever do to deserve such a precious family?  I thank God for you every day.

Thank you heavenly Father for all the gifts you give.  I accept them from your hands with a full and grateful heart!