Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm Back!

Wow!  It has been a long time - 23 days since my last entry.  2010 is behind us and we are firmly entrenched in 2011.

I have sat down a few times, attempting to post, but I have to be honest, this has been a very difficult time for the Rutledge household.  We have been dealing with injury and pain in our home and I have just not had it in me to be chatty and self-revealing.

I shared with you, some time ago, about my personal journey with pain and I am still dealing with that on a much lesser level.  Right now it is my daughter Rachel and especially my sweet husband Steve who are the ones most affected.

Just before Christmas, Rachel was at a basketball practice when she sprained her ankle.  It was a very bad sprain and she is still recovering from that.  Fortunately, she is healing and can now put weight on her foot and walk without that enormous boot, but she has been sitting on the sidelines since the beginning of the basketball season.  We are praying for a complete recovery so she can get back out on the court and end the season strong!

Steve injured his back several years ago, while riding a mountain bike on vacation.  He has suffered back pain off and on since that time.  In the past several months however, the pain has become almost unbearable and he is in constant pain, virtually confined to bed.  It is impossible to express how helpless I feel at my inability to help him or relieve his suffering in any way.  Steve needs a miracle, a special touch from the hand of God.

I shared my own experience with chronic pain in my blog series "The Gift of Pain".  I must confess, I have considered, more than once, removing that series from this site.  It is one thing to endure pain yourself but entirely another thing to watch someone you love suffer daily with pain.

Our faith has been tested through this time.  I can't say that I have always come through with shining colors, but it is a daily process of growing in relationship - with Steve and with the Lord.  Please remember us in prayer that we will be strengthened and that Steve will be made completely whole.

I have to say, in the midst of all of the pain and difficulty that our family has been dealing with, we have seen God's grace extended to us time and time again through the very real friends that have given to us so graciously in every form.  We are overwhelmed and amazed at how generous and loving our family and friends are.  Thank you, from the depths of our hearts.

Although 2010 basically sucked,  I am looking forward to an amazing 2011 and expecting great things! 

And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
      My only hope is in you. 
 Psalm 39:7

So, enough about us.  I have a favor to ask.  I have shared with you in the past about my nephew Caleb and his incredible guide dog Kane.  Well, Caleb's dad Randy is competing to win $1000 for the guide dog charity.  If you click on the link below you can vote for Randy's video and help him win money for this incredible organization, making it possible for another family to have a guide dog like theirs.

Please take a minute to vote.  This contest ends Friday, January 21 and you can vote once a day.

Thanks for helping out.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Greetings

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

It has been a privilege sharing my life and faith with you over the past several months.

I pray that this holiday season your heart will be filled with the peace that only Christ can bring and the joy of knowing Him personally.
For to us a child is born,
   to us a son is given,
   and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
   Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
   Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

Isaiah 9:6 NIV

Thursday, December 2, 2010


After weeks of cleaning, pricing, planning and prepping, it is finally here!  My first Jenny and Pearl Boutique.  If you are in the Southern California area, please pop in and see me.    Share this info with your friends and family!

I have so many beautiful things to show you - loads of beautiful items for everyone on your Christmas list, even one or two things that might catch your fancy!  The address and hours are listed at the top of the page.

 Cute Kitchen Collectibles

 Gorgeous Glassware

 Delectable Delights

 Chenille Bedspreads

 A Hankie Covered Christmas Tree!

 Unusual Antiques

 Beautiful Gift Items

 Vintage Purses

 too many things to list and of course...

one-of-a-kind Jenny and Pearl jewelry.

For my distant readers, don't despair, when the boutique madness has ended, I will get back to listing in my etsy stores and making more jewelry, so you can share in the fun!

Mention that you read my blog or are a friend of Jenny and Pearl on Facebook and get $5.00 off of any boutique purchase!  See you there!