Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Couch Potatoes

Well, we have been conducting an experiment at our house for a couple  months now.  We got rid of our cable/satellite and have been TV-free for an extended period of time.  Surprisingly, it started out fairly easy - everyone was so busy with work, Little League, youth group, schoolwork, music, etc. that we hardly had time for it.  But now, the natives are getting restless and I must admit, I'm included in that group.

Okay, so I didn't see the finale of Gray's Anatomy, I can watch it on Hulu.  I also missed the final episode of 24 - after a while they start to look the same.  I don't even know who won American Idol!  I guess if I really cared I could find out.

We are all coping in different ways with our loss.  My son is watching  Star Wars and Lord of the Rings DVD's over and over and ov.... you get the idea.  My youngest daughter is turning into the Hulu queen and our oldest just goes out with her fiancee to the movies or somebody else's house.  Dad has become obsessed with some video game on his iPhone and I have spent a lot of time on Facebook and doing this! 

It's obvious, we are addicts in need of our television fix.  I would like to say, with pride, that we no longer miss it and that we spend so much quality family time together that we don't even need it, but I would be lying.  There is rumbling and grumbling going on and it's getting louder with every passing day.

We have done this experiment before.  Every couple of years I think "I've had it, we spend too much time staring at that screen.  The TV is going!"   But we always go back.  We are drawn into staring at that box, putting our feet up on the coffee table, drooling while we stare at the screen (okay, no drooling, but you get the idea).

The benefit of this experiment has been time to read some great books, getting to bed earlier than usual, and yes, we have spent time together as a family.  But enough is enough.  I love these people, but I NEED my TV.  Before you condemn me, think back on what you watched this week and take pity on a weak sister.

When we finally break down and get that TV back on, there will be one change at least.  This Scripture will be printed and placed right on top!

"I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse."
Philippians 4:8

I think, by heeding this, that we may have a harder time finding something to watch!  

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