Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day of Rest

This has been a hard week.  It has been exhausting - physically, emotionally, spiritually.  I have an old injury that has decided to start acting up again.  I thought I was improving, and now this!  I wore earrings and now I have swollen glands, because I'm allergic to metals.  I am paying a price for my vanity.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  There are issues, too personal to share, that are weighing me down and sapping my strength.  So many loved ones are dealing with major life issues like me and I want to be there for them, to offer support and encouragement.  But I feel like the well is dry.

I know it's been the same for many of you, and you feel like yelling, "Uncle!  I give up!"  But, we keep trudging on, doing our best to deal with all the pressures and trying to put a smile on our face.

But, you can only 'fake it' for so long.  There comes a time when you have to recharge and refuel.  Like a car, you can't keep it running without stopping for gas or changing the oil and maintaining the engine.  Eventually, you will sputter to a stop, or the engine will seize (unfortunately, this I learned the hard way - don't ask).

So, how do we recharge and refuel?  I know there are a couple practical ways that I do this.  The first one is to daily be in the Word.  When I read the Scriptures, God can speak to my heart and heal the broken places inside like no earthly person can.  I'm not so good at the 'daily' thing, but I've found that when I discipline myself to do this and make it a priority, the stresses of life are not as overwhelming.

The second one is to give my worries to God, in prayer.  I Thessalonians 5:17 says to "pray continually".  I have to remind myself that prayer isn't just me spouting my frustrations to God, although He can handle it when I do.  It is also waiting quietly for God to speak to my heart.  It is two-sided.  Like a conversation with a dear friend, I need to give Him time to speak, instead of dominating the conversation.

The third way to refuel is to allow ourselves a day of rest and dedicate it to God.  I know, nowadays this seems impractical, and for many their jobs don't allow it.  This is the hardest one for me.  There is so much I could accomplish on Sunday (my chosen day of rest).  I am behind the ball and I'm scrambling to get caught up.  But God thought it important enough to set an example.

 Exodus 20:8-11 Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God, your God. Don't do any work... For in six days God made Heaven, Earth, and sea, and everything in them; he rested on the seventh day. Therefore God blessed the Sabbath day; he set it apart as a holy day.

Why is it so hard for me to set aside that day?  God wants to be with us!  What an incredible thought.  The God of the universe, who created the moon, the stars, the earth and everything in them, wants to spend time with me?  The least I can do is carve some time out of my week to be in His presence.

If your Sabbath can't fall on a Sunday, or a Saturday, I encourage you to find time, somewhere in your week to sit in His presence and reflect on His goodness.  He is waiting to spend time with you!

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace
      all who trust in you,
      all whose thoughts are fixed on you!


  1. Well, I will be with you tomorrow and I am also in sore need of Sabbath. We will help each other observe a day or rest and celebration of our loving Father that is sufficient. xoxo.


  2. Sounds great! We'll put on the coffee!

  3. Thanks for the insight. Sorry to hear that you had a bad week. I hope this coming week will be better for you. I have my moments too, but I know that He is always there for me despite if I "feel" Him or not. I wish "life" could be a breeze, but I guess that is where character is built as well as faith. Take care!

  4. Thanks, Julie. You are right, with all this 'building' we will be quite the characters at the end ;) !
