Monday, June 21, 2010

This and That

I have been wracking my brain today.  I am completely uninspired.  I don't know if it's the summer haze or having the kids at home but today I've got nothin'!

So, I'll just chat about a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

~We had a beautiful Father's Day.  Our kids showed dad how much they love him with handmade cards and tokens of their love.

He is an incredible dad plus he's a big softy so he eats this stuff up!
Our pastor preached a great sermon about legacy, posing the question "What kind of legacy will you leave?"  It was a good challenge for all of us, not just the dads.  Whoever we are, we are influencing someone - a son, a niece, a coworker or friend.  Even strangers that we meet can be affected by how we respond to them.  What kind of legacy are you leaving?  If that question makes you uncomfortable or you are dissatisfied with the answer, ask God to help you reflect His love to those around you.

I have been blessed with the best example in a father and also in a father-in-law.  What a godly legacy they are leaving for us and our children.  They are men of faith, love and compassion.  They inspire me and I am privileged to have them in my life.

 I'm still a daddy's girl
*Check out my Father's Day post under Personal Heroes - Chapter 3.

~Being June, wedding bells are ringing and my niece is getting married in three short weeks now so things are gearing up.  We had a shower for her on Saturday and there will be another in two weeks.  Friends and family will be arriving from out of town.  What fun!  The joy that a couple shares as they begin a new life together is so beautiful to watch.  It has made me reflect back on my own wedding day almost 29 years ago - yikes!

 The bride-to-be Natalie and her beautiful mom (my sister Kathy)

Little did we know, as young as we were, the challenges that lay ahead for us.  It is truly by God's grace and with His love that we we have built a family and our lives together.  We could not have done it on our own.  He is the One we lean on when disappointments, pain and the stresses of everyday life weigh us down.

~I met with a dear friend this morning for a cup of coffee (one of my favorite things to do) and we were thinking back on the past several years.  They have been filled with loss, pain and incredible challenges, for both of us.  But it is such a comfort to know that whatever life throws our way, we are resting in the Father's hands and He cares about us.  I love this Scripture, it remains one of my favorites.  Hope it encourages your heart today.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

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