Showing posts with label before and after. Show all posts
Showing posts with label before and after. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

100 and Counting

I have been a member of the blogosphere for almost four months now and in those four months I have posted just over 100 times.  I have discovered that blogging is far more rewarding and way more work than I ever imagined it would be.  There have been several times I have felt like throwing in the towel, but I am compelled to continue.

I adore writing and I love hearing from you.  It is so gratifying to complete a post and hit that "PUBLISH POST" button, but I'm so very human.  When you send me your little messages or leave comments telling me that I made you laugh or cry or think about something in a different way, it makes my day!

Knowing how much effort it takes to maintain a blog, I thought I would share with you some of the blogs that I enjoy.  I have chosen just a few and they cover a variety of topics.  Check them out.

Last Christmas my son Sam and I stood in the middle of Barnes & Noble laughing out loud.  If you have ever heard me laugh, you know, I do not giggle quietly and we caused quite a disruption in the store.  The source of our hilarity was a book called "Cake Wrecks."  Sam bought this weird and quirky book for his sister Ashley as a Christmas gift.

Imagine my delight when I discovered Cake Wrecks has a blog!  I can sit in the privacy of my home and cackle, snort and guffaw to my heart's content.

The cakes range from the horribly misspelled

to the outright bizarre.  There's no better way to celebrate an oil spill than with cake!

But, be warned before you sit down to look at this site with your kids.  Some of the cakes are beyond weird and range into adult content.  People put strange things on cakes!

Another one of my favorite blogs is Design Sponge.

I can get lost in here for a looong time.  It is an interior design blog and it is filled with beautiful images and inspiring ideas for your home.  My favorite section is their before & after section.  This is where they highlight vintage finds and show how they have been transformed from something ordinary into something lovely and extraordinary.

I have to limit myself when I'm in this site or I would be lost in here forever and never get any of my own blogging or housework done.  This is a truly inspiring site.

It was hard for me to choose my favorites but here are two that particularly inspired me.

I love this first before & after - victoria's chandelier,  because I have this exact chandelier out in my garage.

I have been debating what to do with it for a while, whether or not I should paint it or send it to the Goodwill.
This has given me the motivation to get out the spray paint and transform that brassy chandelier into something bold and beautiful.  All I have to do now is decide on a color!

My second pick from Design Sponge is chairs.  I am looking to reupholster my own kitchen chairs to I am drawn to chair transformations and I love the lines of these lovely chairs.

Heather's chairs were sweet before but they are stunning now.  I love the way she painted just the back of the chair and left the wood peeking through the stenciled leaves.

There are so many great ideas, big and small, included in Design Sponge, plus recipes, products and more.  But don't say I didn't warn you.  It is highly addictive.

Another favorite of mine right now is wedding blogs, for obvious reasons.  As we are planning Ashley and Daniel's big day, it is fun to browse through the various wedding sites.

Green Wedding Shoes is specifically geared toward the Southern California bride.  It is filled with tips, ideas, vendors and more.

Ruffled is a visual delight, filled with inspiration for decor, flowers and every aspect of a wedding.

Style Me Pretty is loaded with more visual eye candy.  Whether or not you are a bride, or know a bride or plan on being a bride, you should check out this site.  I dare you to visit here for just five minutes and leave.  Every picture is more stunning than the one before.

The last blog I want to mention is written by my friend Josh.  It is called Finding Me.  Just a month ago he started this blog, chronicling his weight loss journey.  It is a candid and honest account of his struggle and at his first weigh-in he had already lost 26.4 pounds!  Way to go Josh!

I hope you enjoy my picks.  I would love to hear from you.  What are your favorite blogs?  I'm always looking for more ways to avoid housework!

Thanks for being with me over the past 100 posts, sharing the laughter and the tears.  Here's to another 100!