Monday, June 14, 2010

Anger Management

I have a confession to make.  Yesterday, I lost it.  I mean, really lost it.  I was yelling, rude and out of control.  I spoke unkindly to someone I love dearly. What an unflattering picture.

There have been a lot of pressures lately, and I feel like things are out of control.  My shoulder is hurting again and I just plain old feel sorry for myself!  To top things off, I didn't take my advice and make yesterday a day of rest but kept barreling through, trying to get 'caught up'.

None of this is an excuse.  Today I hardly knew what to write.  I considered another recipe or something about my shop, so I wouldn't have to face what I did.  But I felt like a hypocrite so I'm 'fessing up. I had to apologize to both the recipient and other ears that were taking it all in.  I know, however that words spoken cannot be unsaid and the pain of words lingers even after an apology.

The weird thing is, I would not talk that way to a stranger or a friend, but to my family, the people I care about the most.  I reserved all my venom for them.    So today, I am eating humble pie (trust me, it tastes nothing like apple or strawberry) and watching my tongue.  I am confessing not just to you, but to my heavenly Father.  I need him to renew me and live in me, so 'me' doesn't take over again. the ones I hurt...sorry, once again.  I do love you and hope you will accept my apology.

Proverbs 13:3 Those who control their tongue will have a long life;
      opening your mouth can ruin everything.

1 comment:

  1. We all have those days when we have to eat crow, humble pie...whatever you want to call it. The way we feel afterwards I think is just the worst. Be kind to yourself. Whoever you exploded on I'm sure loves you enough to forgive you.
