Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wedded Bliss

Today my favorite stylist came over and cut my hair.  There's nothing like having a great stylist in the family!  My niece, Natalie, came over and chopped off several inches.  I feel like a new woman.  Why is it that a good haircut can be such a boost?

Nat is getting married in just a few more weeks, to a very nice young man.  We love Adrian and he is already part of the family.  They are so excited about the wedding and starting their new life together.

Today we spent some time chatting about marriage and relationships and what it takes to keep a marriage healthy.  It made me reflect back on my own wedding, over 28 years ago (yikes, I can't be that old!).  I was 19 and Steve was 22.  We were SO young and naive.  It is a miracle of God's grace that we didn't kill each other in the first years.  We were both stubborn and hard-headed.  We loved each other passionately but also argued incessantly.

Life has knocked us around the last 28 years.  We have endured a near-fatal heart attack, epilepsy, illness, pain, heartache, financial stress, the deaths of loved ones and countless other bumps in the road.  We have celebrated the births of our three beautiful children, their triumphs and accomplishments and we look forward to expanding our family next year when our Ashley takes that trip down the aisle to become Daniel's bride.

I know that it hasn't been the times of happiness and triumph that have strengthened our marriage, but the times of deepest trials and pain.  These are the times that have tested us and forced us to either draw closer to one another and to God, or pull away.  We have not always risen to the challenge and have endured one another in our failings.  But here we are, 28 years later, in love and more importantly, closer than ever to the One who holds it all together.

I do not claim to be a marriage expert.  I am still learning and often fail.  But, I encouraged Natalie, as I have my own children.  Stay close to Jesus and trust Him with your future.  Without Him as the center, the whole will fall apart.

"Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble. That goes for all of you, no exceptions. No retaliation. No sharp-tongued sarcasm. Instead, bless—that's your job, to bless. You'll be a blessing and also get a blessing."
I Peter 3:8-9

P.S.  The beautiful picture of Natalie and Adrian is by Hugh Forte.  Check out his website!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


We are planning a wedding at our house and it is so much fun! Talking about wedding dresses, how many guests (got to trim that list!), locations, food, flowers and all that is involved, is way more fun than I remember when we were married (almost 30 years ago - yikes!). But, the most fun of all is seeing my daughter beaming with joy at the thought of being a married woman.

I think back on all the years her daddy and I spent praying for her and for her unnamed husband-to-be. It is thrilling to see how God had prepared each of them for the other. And, he's a middle child, just like me!

So now I will be a MOTB (that's mother-of-the-bride for the uninitiated). I have mixed feelings as I think of letting our little girl go, but realize that she has never been 'only ours'. We dedicated her to God and have enjoyed watching her grow and exert her independence from us while becoming more dependent on God. That is exciting! To know that their marriage will be built on a foundation that is solid.

As the day approaches, I can't wait to share with you all the joy and excitement that we anticipate. Just a sneak peek -the picture above is from the park where they are going to be married - SO beautiful!

"Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything." I Peter 4:8 The Message