Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daniel and Lauren Ashley Wedding Photos - Part 2

Okay, I promise...after this post I will not talk about Daniel and Ashley's wedding again...ever...well, at least for a little while.

Last week, I shared pictures of the Cambodian ceremony that we celebrated.  This week, I want to share with you the pictures from the 'Big Day'.  And what a day it was.  A beautiful celebration from beginning to end.

I never imagined that having your child get married would be so emotional, wonderful, joyous and just plain fun!

So, here's a peek at the day.

Getting ready, the bride and groom were all smiles.



Dad, do not make me cry!

Walking our girl down the long, leafy aisle - it felt like a dream.

Finally, Mr and Mrs Or

The most beautiful bride ever!

 Our new family portrait

 Grandma and Poppa Vaters...look what you started!

Incredible to have so many of the Rutledge clan come from Canada to share our joy!

 After the food...

and the cake (lots of cake)...

 They danced.

 We danced.


I mean everybody, danced. 


...happily ever after.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Daniel and Lauren Ashley Wedding Photos - Part 1

Mrs. Ashley Or - it's still a bit strange to hear my daughter referred to that way. 

She is now a married woman, starting out a new life with her best friend, Daniel.  It is true, what they say.  We didn't lose a daughter - we gained a son. 

The wedding celebrations were beautiful, exciting, emotional and, did I mention, beautiful?

We received the official photographs from Hugh Forte, their incredible photographer, and I wanted to share, with you,  a glimpse at all the festivities. 

This first group of pictures are from the Cambodian ceremony, honoring Daniel's family and culture.

Endless hours were spent dressing and primping for each one of the three portions of the ceremonies that day.

 Daniel led the procession down the street, bringing gifts for the bride and her family.

Daniel sees his beautiful bride, waiting for him at the door!

Engagement portion of the ceremony - exchanging of the rings

The bridal party - John (Daniel's brother), Andrew (Daniel's best man), Daniel (groom), Ashley (bride), Hosanna (Daniel's sister), Natalie (Ashley's matron of honor)


 Clothing change #2 - green and gold

Grooming ceremony - Daniel and Ashley are 'groomed' and blessed by family and friends.  Some of us got a bit carried away.  You know who you are!

Clothing change #3 - gold, gold and more gold! 
Daniel and Ashley receiving a blessing from their siblings.

Our new and improved family.

The Or family.

What a beautiful day, blessed by God.

Next week - Wedding Photos - Part 2

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tea Time

I can't believe we're this close.

Only 38 days until Ashley and Daniel tie the knot!  Up to this point it's just been a lot of talk, but last Saturday, things really began to kick into gear.  We celebrated with a beautiful bridal shower tea and I could start to feel the excitement.

Here I am with the bride-to-be and her sweet sister Rachel who worked so hard to help make this day special.

The day was a bit chilly and overcast (by Orange County standards anyway) but it was a perfect day for an outdoor tea.  The event was held in my sister Kathy's backyard.  What a beautiful spot for friends and family to gather!

Since this was a tea and we are ladies, after all, we just nibbled lightly on a few little treats.  Those Frenn girls discovered Devonshire cream and we fought over every last drop!

This was our dainty menu for the afternoon
  • ice tea
  • a variety of hot teas
  • cinnamon scones
  • blueberry scones
  • chocolate chip scones
  • raisin scones
  • Devonshire cream (to smother the scones)
(no, we're not done yet)
  • lemon mini tarts with berries
  • chocolate mini tarts with whipped cream
  • cucumber dill sandwiches
  • aram sandwiches
  • peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • egg salad sandwiches

(we're almost finished!)
  • fresh veggies and dip (for the health conscious)
  • fresh fruit
  • cream puffs
  • strawberry shortcake
  • chocolate dipped strawberries

    All of this food was made by this small team of ladies - Grandma, Aunt Kathy, Natalie (maid of honor) and Rachel (bridesmaid).  They worked tirelessly baking scones and tarts, washing and cutting fruits and veggies, polishing china cups and making everything look lovely for the occasion!
      All of this for me!

      After stuffing ourselves with all of the delicious food, we rolled ourselves over to watch Ashley open gifts.

      There was gift after gift of beautiful and practical items for the home that she will share with Daniel.  (Note to self - buy stock in Crate & Barrel and Target!)

      Younger brother Sam sent a gift to the shower but I think he was confused as to what type of shower this was.  Is that what you call a 'subtle hint'?  There were also a few little (ahem) personal items thrown in for good measure. 

      Overall, the day was a great success.  Ashley had a smile from ear to ear.

      Ashley's cousin (and my sweet niece) Veronica just announced her engagement so it appears as though we will be in 'wedding mode' for some time yet.  Congratulations Veronica and Sam!

      Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate and showered Ashley and Daniel with love, gifts and good wishes.

      38 days and counting!