Monday, November 7, 2011

Choosing Hope

I don't know if you would call it Murphy's Law or just 'life', but as soon as I set out to bravely list the 1000 things I'm grateful for, I encounter more pain in a week than I have in a long time.  

Very little of this has been my own pain, but the pain of those around me who I care for deeply.  If you are dealing with severe financial stress, the threat of homelessness, the death of a loved one, the pain of betrayal or the heaviness of depression, then you know the pain of those near and dear to me.  

At times like these, it becomes almost more than we can bear.  So, it seems very Pollyanna to list the small, daily blessings when faced with these hardcore realities.  But, I know that if I fail to acknowledge life's little treasures, the hardships that I face become heavier.

The subject of hope has come up a few times this week and the committed act of choosing hope over hopelessness.  Well, it appears as though my sister-in-law Nadine is on the same page, since she chose this topic for her blog post today.  She shared so openly and candidly that I thought I would pass along her words to you.

"I guess the choice is, you can live safely without hope and protect yourself from the chance of getting hurt but the exchange is that life is never what it could be, you’ve accepted the lowest common denominator for your life or that of your family. Or you choose hope and faith, put yourself at risk of getting let down again and again but you keep the door open to possibilities."

So, in the spirit of hope, here are the treasures I've gleaned from today, some of them little and some of them big.

#18 friendship - I couldn't survive without this!

#19 my parents - always there when I need them

#20 a better-tasting gluten free bread (I know, lame compared to the others, but so much yummier than the alternative!)

#21  hope - not because of, but in spite of the circumstances

Here's to hope!  

Read the rest of Nadine's post Choosing Hope.  Your heart will be encouraged.

   God, the one and only—
      I'll wait as long as he says.
   Everything I hope for comes from him,
      so why not?
   He's solid rock under my feet,
      breathing room for my soul,
   An impregnable castle:
      I'm set for life.  

Ps 62:5-6 (MSG)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lazy Saturday

Today was an unusually relaxed day. 

Slept in a bit, spent time with my two favorite girls and a good friend, and did a whole lot of nothing.  I forgot how much pleasure there is in being completely, totally and unapologetically unproductive. 

Here are gifts #12-16 on my way to 1,000.

#12   the view from the hammock on my back porch

#13   the pleasure of having known Kaye, a remarkable lady who inspired yesterday's post

#14   a day with my girls

#15  being lazy

#16  hunting for treasures (I'm a garage sale junkie)

oh yes, I almost forgot,

#17  'falling back' into bed tomorrow morning after the clocks go back an hour (definitely a tie-in to #15)

Enjoy your weekend, and make time to be lazy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Legacy of Love

I've just begun making my way through to 1000 gifts.  Yesterday, I had my post all ready to go when I received some incredibly sad news.  I didn't know what to say, or how to respond, so I posted nothing.  I can't say I feel any better prepared today, except my mind has been filled with a single thought.  I will share that thought later, but first, the sad news.

Yesterday, my dear friends Amie and Emily, lost their beautiful mother Kaye, in a tragic car accident.  Their dad, Phil, was badly injured.

"Grandma Kaye", as she was known to so many, was one of those rare individuals.  Kaye was love in action.  She exemplified grace, mercy and compassion in a way that is hard, if not impossible, to find.  She was kind to a fault.  I take that back, there is no fault in kindness.

Her boundless energy and love for people was evident in everything she did, tirelessly giving to her family, her friends and anyone in need.

I cannot begin to imagine the pain her dear children and grandchildren are feeling at this time.  But I pray they find some measure of comfort in God's arms and in the love of family and friends.

This is the thought that has been occupying my mind. 

I feel challenged today to live the way Kaye lived
  • proud of the roles of mom, wife and friend 
  • giving selflessly whenever there is a need
  • ready with a smile and a word of encouragement
  • filled with boundless energy
  • showering others with grace and love
  • always ready to see the best in others
  • loving Jesus, fully and completely
Grandma Kaye, thank you for your godly example and the legacy of love you have left behind.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.(1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV)