Showing posts with label autism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autism. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


For some time now I have had this idea brewing in my head.  It's been percolating (I know, another coffee reference - I can't help it) and I keep trying to ignore it or push it down, but it keeps popping back up.  The reasons I have been ignoring this idea are three-fold,

1.  I don't really know how to go about implementing this 'thing'.
2.  Somebody else can do it (lazy, huh?)
3.  I don't feel qualified.

Okay, so now you're curious, right (if not, just nod your head anyway).  It all has to do with the men in my life, primarily my husband and my son.

 Aren't they handsome?  Yes, there is a boy under that hair!

They both have ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder.  For those of you who do not have someone in your life dealing with ADD/ADHD, it is difficult to explain how this affects a family.

Don't get me wrong.  It is not all negative.  ADDers (as they are called) are often compassionate, creative, fun, resilient and more.

It's the down-side, however that can be a challenge to live with at times (it's okay, I have my husband's permission to be writing about this).  Some of the down-sides of having ADD are inattention, impulsivity, sleep disorders, learning disabilities and more.

As you can imagine, these things affect not only the ADDer, but the whole family.  This brings me to this idea that I mentioned.  I have encountered, over the past few years, countless women (sorry guys, I'm a girl, so that's who I'm dealing with here), who are the spouse or parent of these wonderful people.  It isn't something that just pops up in your first conversation, but as I have become closer with women, and observed their family dynamics, it is clear that there is a need for mutual support.

So, I have spoken with a couple of dear friends who have agreed with me.  Let's do this thing.  We are starting up a support group for women.  We are expanding this to include, Aspergers, autism, bi-polar, or any other challenges that you may feel qualify you in need of this support.  So often these conditions are co-morbid (meaning, they are simultaneous) with an ADD/ADHD prognosis.

My friends and I are not doctors, therapists, psychologists or any other 'ists'.  We are caring Christian women who want to offer encouragement and support to others, and receive the same, over a cup of coffee (of course!)

If you live in Orange County and this sounds like the kind of group you could use, email me and I will give you the info about where and when we are meeting.  For those of you who don't live in Southern California, but still feel you need support and encouragement, send me your email address and, as we share resources and links, I can forward them to you.

I am excited about this new venture and can't wait to see how God will use us to uplift one another!

"So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you'll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you're already doing this; just keep on doing it. "
I Thessalonians 5:11 (The Message)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Personal Heroes - Chapter 1

Who are your heroes?  Are they political figures, sports stars, television personalities?  While I admire many people in these arenas (and scratch my head over the popularity of others), my heroes are less well known.  They are the 'unsung heroes' around us.  Over the next several weeks, I want to introduce you to some people who are my personal heroes.  You will find out they are ordinary people, like you and me, but they are making a difference with their lives.

I would like to introduce you to Randy & Nadine.  I picked them today because they are my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and today is their 21st wedding anniversary.  This is my gift to them!

As they started their life together 21 years ago, they had no idea of the challenges that lay ahead for them and their family.  A year and a half after they were married, they gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Megan, followed shortly by their handsome boy Josh.  They dealt with the challenges of living on a ranch and raising children and several years later welcomed another beautiful boy, Caleb, into the family.  It became apparent early on, that something was different with this sweet little boy.  He didn't respond like they felt he should and his development was delayed.

After many years of struggling to find answers they received a diagnosis they did not want to hear.  Caleb has autism.   I have known many people who have children or loved ones with challenges.  But I have never met a family that has risen to the test of raising such a special child, like they have.  Whenever I am around them, I am touched by the patience and tenderness that they show.  I know there are times when they feel unequipped for the task, but it is beautiful to see a family united in caring for someone with so many special needs.

This extends beyond Randy and Nadine to their two other incredible children.  Josh is a big brother with a big heart.  He shared a room with Caleb for years and treats his little brother with tenderness and respect.  Megan is a lovely young lady whose love for horses is second only to the love she has for her family.  She is always proud to show off her little brother with the latest pictures she has taken (she took the beautiful black and white picture).

A couple years ago they welcomed one more member into the family.  His name is Kane and he is a service dog.  He has the sweetest disposition and is Caleb's constant companion.  He is my # 1 canine hero!

You can see why I picked this incredible family and why I am proud to be related to them.  They exemplify God's love in action.  They are my heroes.

"Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13